Significant Sig and Order of Constantine Tony Flores (56-S) started the Donor Brick program in 2017 to raise money for the Fresno Sigma Chi Endowment, and the goal was to sell 400. He got the idea from the patio area at the Smittcamp Alumni House at Fresno State, and by April 1, 2021 300 bricks were purchased. As the Covid vaccines became available during the spring of 2021, everyone became more optimistic about their future. After “laying low” for a year, on May 30, Tony sent emails to our alumni reminding them of the brick program and what it would accomplish. This triggered something no one expected. Brothers from various eras began to contact their closest brothers and encouraged them to buy bricks, and they created a landslide. It took four years for brothers to purchase 300 bricks, but only 37 days to sell the final 100. On July 7, 2021 the last brick was purchased. The weight of the fifteen month pandemic countered by the lift of the vaccine, appears to have brought out the best in our alumni.
Tony Flores
The purpose of the Fresno Sigma Chi Endowment is to provide scholarships to brothers living in our Chapter House and for the 2021/2022 school year, $38,000 in scholarships are available. Today many brothers must work full-time in order to meet their financial obligations while attending Fresno State. The Donor Brick goal has now been reached, and $100,000 has been raised providing $4,000 scholarships in perpetuity. The following brothers have bricks in their names:
Sigma Tau: Stan Alloway, Jim Chamberlain, Jim Mayer, Al Appling, Richard Beers, John Caire Jr, Ken Carter, Roy Davis Jr, Jose Elgorriaga, Bud Fisher, JimHarkness, Clarence Harris, Ray Harris, Max Hayden, John Holland, Allan Hunter, Bert Irola, Rodger Jensen, Oran McNeil(2), Pat Mon Pere, Allen Barr Olson, Harold Paul, Homer Potts, Phil Sanchez(2), Dick Schwartz, Glenn Sheets, Bob Sherrill, Lyle Smith, Traves Summers, Sy Tacchino, Sidney Wilson.
50s: Joe Bowerbank Sr., Tony Campbell, Bob Long, Jim Crookham, Frank Small, John Yankey, Joe Monachello, Jake Andresen, Marvin Meyers, Rich Bryant, Leo Wilson, Ron Wright, Denny Milligan, Roger Morey, Roland Beiden, Gene Andrade(2), Ev Brown, Bill Ceresa, Robert West, Bob Buckenberger, Bill Burrows, Victor Giraudo, Tony Flores(2), Charles Smith, Chuck Sant’Agata, Jay Tomlinson Jr, Gene Wilkinson, Elvin Bell, Harvey Casey, Don Giacomazzi, Charles Odle, Bill Sparks, Bryce Carey, Willy Kollmeyer, Bill McGuinness, Ron Ranagan, Norm Winslow, Robert Roginson, Bob Arnold, Ed Boswell, Ron Houston, Morris McKellips, Ted Pollard, Jack Shannon, Dante Simi, Chuck Smith, Ron Tukloff, Jerry Bode, Edwin Charlebois, Carl Peterson, Nigel Yandell, Jerry Evangelho, Jim Green DDS(2), Jimmie Johnson, Rich Rose.
60s: Eric Brandon, Tom Downing, Tom Gist, George Koolery, Jim Calandra, Les Sherry, Ron LaRocca, Clyde Luomala, Dan O’Brien, Tom Oliver, Bob Rich Jr, George Waltimire, John Waterhouse, Gary Renner, Jim Wright, Larry Dorsey, Brian Ehmke, Warren Williams, Colin Kelly, Dirk VanGelder, Jerry Waters, Skip Acker, Ron Alloway, Richard Ballow, Don Beauregard, Henry Brock, Bob Costa, John Lauck, Jim Underhill, Bill Matesso, Bud Olson, Jerry Traxler, Marv Broderson, Ken Farley, Jerry Fogle, Tom Gillespie, Paul Myers, Mike Patton, Larry Peasley, Les Schuler, Jerry Sparling, Brian Stout, Pat Stuckey, Ted Tukloff, Jerry Zulfa, Bob Dinkel, Terry Harper, Joe Pressutti, Clark Londquist, Tim Summers, Scotty Williams, Mike Hayes, Steve Grimm, Rob Crossland(2), Charlie Johnson, Bob Painter, Art Renney, Bill Crossland, Dan Hammack, Steve Heinrichs, Steve Crawford, Ed Musolff, Tommy Eichman, Jim Turner, Ted Harcksen, Art Wahlberg, Van Woolley, Gene Sousa, John Ballinger, Bill Colgate, Rick Nelson, Dave Dungy, Larry Harris, Jim Vaux, Tim Vaux, Mick Gilles, Dan Kelley, James Silveria, Rich Barsanti, Dave Jensen, Roger Peterson, Michael Alaga, Jeff Ehmke, John Garcia, Dick Harris, Mike Elliott, Rocky Taylor, John Crossland, John Marinovich, Jim Efird, Lindsay Brehm, Jim Norquist, Dave Reuland, Dennis Schmal, Mark Scott (2), Larry Calvino, Steve Pallios, Wes Viets.
70s: Jim Hutton, Don Vineyard, Bill Robinson, Bob Soligian, Dr. Michael Lynch, Kenny Duncan, Jon Gallinetti, Chris Visser, Russ Efird, Tom Licouris, Mark Sanchez, Richard Wright, Mike Chin, Marv Helon, Larry Johnson, Amos Bagdasarian, Dwayne Murray, Kirk Stewart, Kevin Crandell, Kyle Stephenson, Wade Hedrick, Gerald Chooljian, Glenn Scott, David Arakelian, Bruce Ekmanian, Dave Price III, Bruce Quan, Jim Sandrini, John Tubbesing, Bill Arnold, Bill Smittcamp, Steve Vucovich, Tony Guerriero, Richard Klopfstein, Serge Tomassian, Kirk Wethey, Kevin Wren, Jim Sandrini, Larry Spikes, Mark Worthington, Ron Radoicich, Norm Bishop, Bruce Berger, Brad Fischer(2), Steve Coleman, Bill Van Skike, George Neves, Dick Arakelian, Mike Crowley, Steve Bachand, Tom Kusaka, George Matoian.
80s: Dan Marinsik, Glenn Davis, Steve Smith, John Hughes, Kevin Andrade, Michael Alfheim, Dan Klopfstein, Eric Rehn, Marc Jason, Mike Price, Kevin Kamimoto, Bill Miller, Matt Rowan, Ted Uyesaka, Mike Bowlden, John Ansolabehere, Kip Haverman, Randy Roby, Mark Fimbres, Craig Maddux, Jeff Little, Randy Garabedian, Ty Carroll, Andrew Sattley, Walter Mueller, Michael Smith, Russell Davenport, Stuart Patteson, Kirk Jacinto, Jeffrey Gaines, T.A. Heckel(2), David Atkinson, Chris Morse, John Peters, Barry Foley, Joe Robertson, Bob Whalen, Devin Wilson, Rich Mechikoff, Grant Petersen, Marc Graham, Doug Sampson, Justin Kempton, Todd Wilson, Gary Mooshagian, Mike Green, Brady McGuinness, Matthew Simonian, Greg Anderson, Roger Dibble, Jim Tjerrild, Steve Hobbs, Lance McAuley, Ron Ewing, Sergio Ilic, Scott Morse, John Sordi, Brian Lockhart, Chris Kollmeyer, Graham Harrison, Matt Kollmeyer, T.J. Leonard.
90s: Marc Forth, Will Richardson, Matt Machado, Sam Mann, Lee Cendaña, Casey Knowles, Jimmy Parsley, Derek Mahoney, David Folly, Chris Norton, Joel Levy, Chris Heinrich, Nathan Labiak(2), Jeff Hibbard, Sherif Awad, Mitchell Youree, Dennis Ford, Dave Marinovich, Nick Salvetti, Jason Karr, Andrew Clark, Joe Bowerbank Jr, John Bowerbank, Rob Bell, Ken Eynaud, Billy Purewal, Preet Purewal, David Esposito, Brandon Cohrs, Joe McCann, Michael Burke, Dustin Marzolf, Dick Arakelian.
00s: Anthony DeLuca, Ty Maroudas, Chris Rusca, Justin Johnson, Zack Moro, Rodney Rusca, Peter Flores, Matt Helon, Brian Stenklyft, Travis Bader, Frank Puccio, Brian O’Rourke, Kevin Wethey, Michael Luckey, Sean Gallaher, Chad Calhoun, Nick Hooper, Sean Akin.
10s: Dusty Lacefield, Evan Selander, Bryce Martinho , Trent Braswell, Scott Moore, Tyler Davies, Austin Radke, Christian DeFendis, Blake McGuinness, Nathanial A. Wilson, Jack Wilson, Giordano Primavera, Jordan Ayerza.
20s: Logan Mann, David Mistretta.
Other: Mama Lou, Iggy, Victor Bulldog, Anonymous, Chapter Eternal Brothers, Sigma Taus, In hoc signo vinces, Carol McNeil, Marci Radoicich Miller, Bud Richter Stanford (47-S), Harry Saint John Dixon (2), Gavin Gladding UCSB (94-S), Marci Radoicich Miller, Pledge Class-1980.