On February 22, 2021 Fresno Sigma Chi alumni who were initiated in the 1950 held their 4th Zoom reunion with Significant Sig and Order of Constantine Tony Flores keeping everyone laughing and reminiscing about the good-old days.
In attendance were Bob Buckenberger (56-S) Past Consul, Bill Ceresa (56-F) Penn Valley, Tony Flores (56-S), Jimmy Johnson (58-S) Fair Oaks, Willy Kollmeyer (57-S) Nevada City, Joe Monachello (54-F) Atwater, Homer Potts (52-T) Fair Oaks, Frank Small (53-S) Pismo Beach – Past Consul, Bob Smith (54-F), Norm Winslow (57-S), Ed Boswell (58-F) Kamuela, HI and Les Sherry (60-S) Vallejo.
Several slides from the Campus yearbooks from the 1950s were shared. Those were the days when student athletes were amateurs, and Sigma Chi had several brothers participating in sports.