On August 20 our second virtual Alumni Chapter meeting was hosted by Mike Patton (S’63). Invitations were limited due to the nature of a virtual meeting and as we gain experience from this setting. Our next meeting will be held on September 17,2020..
Brothers Bill Smittcamp (S’73), and Bill Robinson (S’70) shared how the pandemic has both positive and negative impacts for their business. Brothers John Ballinger (S’65), 2019 William T. Bringham Best House Corporation Officer Award, President and Evan Selander (S’12), Treasurer of the House Corporation provided updates. Brother Selander presented a Powerpoint on the new video surveillance system at the Epsilon Eta Chapter House.

Brothers attending included Consul Jordan Ayerza (17’F), John Ballinger (65’S), Past Consul Tom Downing (62’F), Brad Fischer (78’S), Tony Flores (56’S), T.A Heckel (82’F), Past Consul Ron LaRocca (61’F), Bill Matesso (63’F), Rick Nelson (65’S), Mike Patton (63’S), Bruce Quan (72’F), Gary Renner (62’S), Dave Reuland (69’F), Bill Robinson (70’F), Evan Selander (12’S), Bill Smittcamp (73’S), Mark Springer (09’F), Tim Vaux (66’F), Jerry Waters (62’F) and Kevin Wren (74’F).