During the April 15 monthly Zoom meeting, alumni president, Seven Lights Alumnus and Significant Sig Brad Fisher (78-S) announced the new Epsilon Eta recognition awards. They are the Outstanding Alumni Award that recognizes alumni who over a long period of time have exhibited a high level of commitment, dedication and service to the Epsilon Eta Chapter. The other new award is the Alumni President’s Citation which is presented to undergraduate or alumni members who perform outstanding service to the Active Chapter, Alumni Chapter, Endowment and/or House Corporation.
Brad chose this Zoom meeting to recognize Bill Robinson (70-F) by awarding him the first Alumni President’s Citation. When Bill pledged he began exhibiting leadership skills by serving as pledge captain, and this began one-hall century of contributions to the Active Chapter, the House Corporation, the Sigma Chi Endowment and the Alumni Chapter. Bill served two terms as Alumni Chapter President in the 1980s and two terms as Housing Corporation President in the 1980s. He also created the Alumni Chapter Newsletter, “SIGnificant News, and composed and published it from 1977 to 1985. He served on many committees continuously to the present most recently fighting to prevent a developer from building into the Fraternity Mall and erecting a five-story apartment complex in the vacant lot next to the Chapter House.