Our endowment program is really kicking into high gear to accomplish the objectives for Sigma Chi at Fresno State. The scholarships are awarded based on the student’s overall GPA which this year must be 2.8 or higher. This year’s awardees achieved a 3.27 average. The Active Chapter average was 3.13 which bested the all-fraternity average of 3.02 and the all-men’s average of 2.99. Make no mistake, Sigma Chi at Fresno State has an Active Chapter that is serious about academics.
Although the major objective of our scholarship program is to encourage excellence in academic performance by our Active Chapter brothers, that is not the only one. Other objectives are to make it more affordable to take advantage of the learning opportunities of living in the Chapter House, and to use the scholarship opportunities as a tool for recruitment, one that only Sigma Chi can offer.
In addition to scholarship monies, each qualifying applicant receives a certificate of academic excellence which is awarded at the annual Scholarship Banquet which is usually held in October. They also have their names placed on the annual scholarship plaque. Plaques for the two most recent years are strategically placed just around the corner from the front entrance of the Chapter House so that they are in a convenient location to show potential recruits. Who knows, they might be an interesting visual aid to show on Parents’ Day.