Prices are as follows: 100-year book $35, 100-year medallion $35 and if shipping is necessary this costs an additional $25. We have a large stock which are available in Fresno. Please contact Mike Patton 63-S at mike@rmpatton.com, and we will make arrangements for pickup or delivery. Jerry Waters 62-F is purchasing books for two brothers from his pledge class who were not able to attend the 100-Year Celebration of Brotherhood where the books were first distributed.
Sigma Tau was founded on the Fresno State campus on November 10, 1921. It affiliated with the Sigma Chi Fraternity on February 22, 1952, to become Epsilon Eta.
To celebrate our history, 86 Epsilon Eta brothers collaborated to write and publish Epsilon Eta’s First 100 Years. It was issued first to brothers attending the Celebration of Brotherhood on April 30 at Pardini’s, now it is available for purchase for the rest of our alumni chapter.
The 206 page hard-bound book begins with the local fraternity, Sigma Tau, which was founded on November 10, 1921, and became affiliated with Sigma Chi on February 22, 1952. The book chronicles the historic facts and photos listing all 1,882 brothers initiated into Sigma Chi through December 31, 2021, and all consuls and all sweethearts since 1952.