It was a fun meeting as Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter President, Brad Fischer (78-S) dispensed with most business and allowed for more interaction between brothers. Chapter Advisor Dusty Lacefield (12-F) gave a brief report about the Active Chapter, and House Corporation President John Ballinger (65-S) showed photos of the new south-wall signage and landscape refresh at the Chapter House. The improvements were spearheaded by past Consul George Matoian (79-S) who donated the funds necessary for the signage on the south wall of the Chapter House. As the project took shape it expanded as other alumni took up the challenge to improve the House with the belief that this work will improve the Chapter’s image in the community and give it more visibility for rush.
It was really exciting talking with brothers who we have not seen for decades. President Brad has discussed continuing to schedule Zoom meetings after the lockdown is lifted as a way of getting to enjoy each other regardless of our location. He announced that at our February 18 Zoom meeting we will have as our guest speaker Saúl Jiménez-Sandoval, Interim President, Fresno State, who will give us an update on the activities at the University.
Brothers in attendance include John Ballinger (65-S), Dave Barns (61-F) “Sun City, AZ”, Don Beauregard (62-S), Marv Broderson (63-S) Danville, Jim Calandra (60-S) Seaside, Past Consul Tom Downing (62-F) Past Consul, Richard Egan (77-F), Brad Fischer (78-S), Past Consul Rod Gavroian (76-S) Past Consul, Jim Green (58-S) “Grants Pass, OR”, Wil Herring (76-F) “Abilene, TX”, Dusty Lacefield (12-F), Rick Nelson (65-S), Dan O’Brien (61-F) “Sun City West, AZ”, Mike Patton (63-S), Paul Porter (74-F) “Livingston, TX”, Gary Renner (62-S), Paul Renner (65-S) “Denver, CO”, Dave Reuland (69-F), Bill Robinson (70-F), Chuck Sant’Agata (56-S), Larry Spikes (75-F) Hanford, Jack Tacchino (66-S), Norm Winslow (57-S) and Kevin Wren (74-F).