On Tuesday February 11, 2020, George L. Hooper, KANSAS STATE 1960, Chair Warden, Sigma Chi Monuments and Memorials Commission conducted the White Rose Ceremony at the memorial to Harry St. John Dixon, VIRGINIA CONSTANTINE CHAPTER, 1961.
Pictured Brothers in attendance (l to r): Sam Mann (91-S), Warden, Dixon Memorial; Bill Robinson (70-F), Secretary of the Alumni Chapter of Fresno; Order of Constantine, Tom Downing (62-F), ; Brad Fischer (78-S), President, Alumni Chapter of Fresno; George L. Hooper, Warden, Monuments and Memorials Commission; Dusty Lacefield (12-F), Epsilon Eta Chapter Advisor; Julian Ramos (09-S); Charles Kent; Bruce Edmonston, President, Alumni Association of Kern County; Donald P. Copeland, Warden of the Bell Monument and President of the San Francisco Chapter and Rod Gavorian (76-S).
The monument dedicated by the Order of Constantine Sigs of the Epsilon Eta Chapter is located in the Mountain View Cemetery in Fresno California. Harry St John Dixon founded the Constantine Chapter with a small band of dedicated Sigs outside of Atlanta Georgia on September 17. 1864.
In the years that followed the war, he settled in Fresno County where he became the fifth County Clerk and later served as the City of Fresno’s first City Attorney. He also was the first President of the Fresno County Bar Association. He passed away on August 27, 1899.
As a delegate to the 1860 Grand Chapter, he was elected the 1st Grand Chi or Grand Pro-Consul, was the 1st Grand Historian, re-worked the Sigma Chi Ritual, founded Alpha Beta (Berkeley) Chapter in 1886 and installed the Stanford and U.S.C. Chapters.