On April 15, 2021 the Fresno Sigma Alumni meeting attracted the largest number of Sigs of any meeting during the pandemic. This meeting was held at 4:00 PM to be more convenient for brothers who live in the eastern United States. Mike Lorenzen (79-S) who lives in Louisville, KY has attend four meetings, and for the first time Brian Stout (63-S) Mechanicsville, VA, attended.
And there were two special guests: Jim Lawson, SAN DIEGO STATE 1985, Director of Development, Western U.S., Sigma Chi Foundation attended as did brother Significant Sig, Brandon Chaney, INDIANA 1993 Proprietor and CEO of In Hoc Napa Valley as well as Fairwinds Estate Winery, Calistoga CA. Brother Chaney started a company to take advantage of the early changes in the telecommunications industry. A few years ago he sold the company and purchased the 4th oldest winery in Napa Valley. He described how his winery burned down during last year’s fire noting that everything burned down except the Sigma Chi flag hanging high on a flagpole.
Brandon Chaney (Indiana 1993)
Brother Lawson talked about what he and brother Brandon had put together to raise money for the Sigma Chi Foundation which awards scholarships to our undergraduates. 20% of each from In Hoc Napa Valley will go to the foundation, and they hope to raise $7 million in ten years. Brandon offers his great wines names and logos that relate to Sigma Chi, and he named this wine club the 1855 Club. After only eight months over 1,500 brothers have joined.
If you have not joined the In Hoc wine club but would like to, click here:https://inhocvino.com.
Brothers attending were John Ballinger (65-S) President House Corp, Don Beauregard (62-S), Steve Coleman (78-F), Ryan DeYoung (00-S) UCSD, Tom Downing (62-F) Past Consul, Brad Fischer (78-S), Randy Garabedian (81-S), Jim Green (58-S) Grants Pass OR, Sergio Ilic (87-F), Marc Jason (81-F) Denver CO – Past Consul, Dusty Lacefield (12-F) Chapter Advisor, Ron LaRocca (61-F) San Diego, Mike Lorenzen Louisville KY, Scott Moore (14-S), Rick Nelson (65-S), Dan O’Brien (61-F) Sun City West AZ, Mike Patton (63-S), Gary Renner (62-S), Paul Renner (65-S), Dave Reuland (69-F), Bill Robinson (70-F), Chuck Sant’Agata (56-S), Dennis Schmal (69-F) Alamo, Evan Selander (12-S), Bill Smittcamp (73-S), Larry Spikes (75-F) Hanford, Brian Stout (63-S) Mechanicsville VA, Jack Tacchino (66-S), Serge Tomassian Irvine and Tim Vaux (66-F).