Brother Jerry Waters was selected for this prestigious award on May 8, 2020. It is presented to alumni brothers who have demonstrated significant service to the Fraternity, and the Seven Lights Alumni Award is limited to 28 alumni annually. Eligible recipients must have served at least 10 years as an active alumnus.
Initiated with the 62-F pledge class with some great brothers including Tom Gist, Gary Kuhl, John Mitchell, Gary Renner and Significant Sig Colin Kelly, Jerry has been an active member of our alumni chapter since his graduation from Fresno State. One of his many contributions is his service as a member of the House Corporation board since 2008. President of the board, John Ballinger 65-S, describes Jerry’s function on the board as being like the 4077th MASH Unit’s Radar O’Reilly. As John says, “Not only has he performed his duties with passion and diligence, he has been one of our most dependable board members. I can always rely on him to help out when needed.”
Jerry joins Epsilon Eta’s other Seven Lights Alumni, Henry Brock 62-F awarded in 2014 and Brad Fischer 78-S awarded in 2018. Congratulations, Jerry, for this well-deserved recognition by our International Fraternity! All honor to his name.