Consul Jordan Ayerza (17-F) is officially and literally in the Epsilon Eta history book after his scholarship award of $10,000 from Sigma Chi International. Brother Jordan was selected out of 900 applicants to be awarded the Founder Thomas Cowan Bell Academic Scholarship which is only awarded to seven brothers across the nation and is the first brother to have ever received this scholarship in Epsilon Eta history.
From the Sigma Chi International Website – Jordan Ayerza, CAL. STATE-FRESNO 2022 | Bob & Sabrina Johnson Scholarship
A major in Agricultural Biology, where he is working towards a career as a Botanist, Brother Ayerza held a 3.1 GPA entering his senior year at California State University-Fresno while serving as Consul of the Epsilon Eta chapter. Within the chapter, he has continuously held offices from his date of initiation also serving as Kustos, Philanthropy Chairman, Brother at Large, Social Chairman, Consul Fall 2020-Spring 2021 and again as Consul Fall 2021-Spring 2022, while volunteering annually through Epsilon Eta’s Derby Days and Kids Day events. Through his leadership as Consul, the chapter pulled through the COVID-19 pandemic with strong brotherhood, a full chapter house and collective GPA exceeding the school’s all-men’s average.
His academic pursuits have been entirely self-funded through scholarships and a full-time position at the agribusiness company Wilbur-Ellis, which specializes in agri-chemicals. Ayerza plans to continue work for the company post-graduation as works towards his career objectives.
Jordan has served in many leadership roles as an undergraduate including Kustos, Philanthropy Chairman, Brother at Large, Social Chairman, Consul Fall 2020-Spring 2021 and again as Consul Fall 2021-Spring 2022. For his strong and persistent leadership in the Active Chapter and his academic excellence, Jordan received the Alumni President’s Citation at the November 18, 2021 Alumni Chapter Dinner. He is the first Epsilon Eta undergraduate to receive this honor.
Jordan has now scored a trifecta at Epsilon Eta, he is the first brother to serve as Consul for four straight semesters, he is the first brother to receive a Founders Scholarship from the Sigma Chi Foundation, and he is the first undergraduate brother to receive the Alumni President’s Citation.