Seven Lights Alumni, Significant Sig and Fresno Sigma Chi Alumni President Brad Fischer (78-S) announced during the June meeting that he is planning on the August 19 Alumni Dinner Meeting to be face-to-face at The Old Spaghetti Factory. This will mark the first such dinner since the pandemic began in March of 2020. It was a great opportunity to talk to brothers Klopfstein, O’Brien and Renner who no longer live in California.
Brothers attending were John Ballinger (65-S) President House Corp, Tom Downing (62-F) Past Consul, Brad Fischer (78-S), Rich Klopfstein (74-F) Bar Harbor ME – Past Consul, Rick Nelson (65-S), Dan O’Brien (61-F) Sun City West AZ, Mike Patton (63-S), Paul Renner (65-S) Denver CO, Dave Reuland (69-F), Bill Robinson (70-F), Chuck Sant’Agata (56-S), Bill Smittcamp (73-S), and Tim Vaux (66-F).