The Fresno Sigma Chi Alumni website, fresnosigsalumni.org, was busy between March 16 and 18. The website can be used to purchase donor bricks, pay alumni chapter dues and make donations to our endowments. During those three days, 10 donor bricks were purchased by Fresno Sigma Chi alumni. This easily sets the record for any three-day period.
Sean Gallaher
March 16 started off on the right foot when brother Dennis Ford went online and ordered a brick. Over the next three days ten more brothers made purchases for themselves. The catalyst for the purchase of 8 bricks was brother Sean Gallaher. Sean contacted several brothers in his era, and this created a landslide of orders. Brothers who purchased bricks over this period include Travis Bader (01-F), Peter Flores (01-S), Dennis Ford (91-F), Sean Gallaher (02-F), Jeff Hibbard (91-F), Matt Helon (00-F) who’s father is Marv Helon (71-F), Michael Luckey (02-F), Joe McCann (98-F), Brian O’Rourke (01-F), Frank Puccio (01-S) and Brian Stenklyft (00-S).
A brick is obtained by a $250 contribution to the Fresno Sigma Chi Endowment. Each brick is engraved with the purchasing brother’s name, or it can be designated in memory of a brother who has passed on to the the Chapter Eternal. The bricks are cemented on the patio south of the Chapter House.
The purpose of our endowment is to provide scholarships to brothers living in our Chapter House. Today many brothers must work full-time in order to meet their financial obligations while attending Fresno State. Donations for 289 bricks have been received to date, and we will end the donor brick program when we reach 400. When the goal is reached, $100,000 will have been raised providing $4,000 scholarships in perpetuity. We are within 111 bricks of our goal.