The Covid pandemic caused people to try different things, and that was true for the
Fresno Sigma Chi Alumni Chapter. The pandemic was officially declared by the US
government in March 2020, and that was the end of our face-to-face alumni dinners
each month. By August 2020 it became obvious that we were in for a long period of
abnormal interaction with our friends and families.
The video conferencing company, Zoom, was established in 2011 in San Jose, CA, but
it was not yet universally known. We did not want our alumni chapter to simply go out of
business until the pandemic was over, so in August of 2020 we did a test meeting using
Zoom. Invited were brothers Jordan Ayerza, John Ballinger, Tom Downing, Brad
Fischer, Tony Flores, T.A. Heckel, Dusty Lacefield, Ron LaRocca, Titus Moore, Mike
Patton, Dave Reuland, Bill Robinson, Evan Selander, Bill Smittcamp, Mark Springer,
Tim Vaux and Jerry Waters.
The test meeting worked great and we had at least a dozen more Zoom meeting over
two years that included 43 out-of-town brothers who would never be able to attend a
dinner in Fresno. One of these brothers was Signifiant Sig and past Magister, Jim
Green, who was living in Antioch, CA. At one meeting we began to discuss the 100
year anniversary of Sigma Tau/Sigma Chi on the Fresno State campus and that we
needed a reunion dinner to celebrate. Brother Green noted that we needed to have a
100-year history book, and this is where the idea was first broached.
We had two stories to tell, the history of the local fraternity, Sigma Tau, that began in
1921 and operated until its affiliation in 1952 with the national fraternity, Sigma Chi, and
Sigma Chi from 1952 to 2021. Not a lot was known about the Sigma Tau beginning but
we had some boxes of historical records which we perused and found lots of data
including a 1937-1938 “booklet” and also one for 1941, both created by the Sigma Tau
fraternity. Also, Greg Baxter’s father was a “Tau” and Greg had lots of information about
its history and some memorabilia. We found a website where past Campus yearbooks
were scanned and available for 1922 to 1968 which gave us insight into much more
To gather data about Sigma Chi from 1952 to 2021, 86 brothers from across the United
States collaborated via phone, email and text over a period of six months to compile the
Sigma Chi at Fresno State story. Brothers Chuck Sant’Agata and Scott Moore reviewed
the draft and corrected grammar and spelling errors. The book was compiled by brother
Mike Patton.
This was a herculean effort, but because we were at home doing nothing, it gave us
something meaningful to do. Never waste a perfectly good pandemic.